
Showing posts from July, 2017

Just Let Me Be Where I Am... please?

Waiting. Sharing. Relationshipping. Forgiving. Growing up. Pregnancy. Parenting. Aging. Ailing. Dying.  All things that are difficult. And I’d argue that they are difficult for everyone, regardless of age, life stage, experiences, knowledge, wisdom, circumstance, or any other distinguishing factor. Strangely though, these difficult things can become just one more variable in the ever-present and all-encompassing desire to compare oneself to another. It seems odd to use a word like “desire” to articulate such a phenomenon , but the more lost I get in thinking about this topic, the more I clearly see that this is what it is. Subconsciously or not, conversations between friends, family, well-meaning acquaintances, and even ignorant strangers often turn to a tit-for-tat “my life is harder than your life” struggle. Don’t believe me? Perhaps you’ve recently been asked how you are feeling. MAYBE you’re comfortable enough with the inquiring party to offer a real answer-- you know, not jus